Research Spotlight
USC CLEAR Publications and Working Projects
Recent Publications
An, B., Barboza-Wilkes, CJ, & Resh, W. (2024) “Applying an Intersectional Understanding of Extra Work Behavior and Emotional Burnout in Local Public Service,” Public Administration.
Resh, W., Ahn, Y., & Moynihan, D. (2024). Populism and administrative dysfunction: The impact of US government shutdowns on personnel and policy implementation. Governance.
Barboza-Wilkes, CJ., Le, TV. & Resh, W. (2023). Deconstructing burnout at the intersections of race, gender, and generation in local government. JPART 33(1): 186-201.
Barboza-Wilkes, C., & Le, TV. (2023). Qualitative Diary Designs as a Compassionate Research Design for Times of Disruption. Public Integrity 1-15
Le, TV., & Barboza-Wilkes, C. (2023). How Self-Determination Moderates Burnout in Public Organizations Across Gender, Race, and Generation. Public Personnel Management
Barboza-Wilkes, C., & Le, TV., & Turesky, M. (2023). Emotional Socialization in Times of Disruption: A Mixed-Methods Case Study of Emotional Labor Among Nonprofit Employees During COVID-19. Journal of Research on Emotion in Organizations.
Roberts, A., Resh, W., Basu, R., Onyango, G., Sullivan, H., Peci, A., Kapucu, N., Schomaker, R., & Mele, V. (2023). Roundtable: How do We Connect Public Administration and Human Rights? Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. gvad010,
Ahn, Y. & Resh, W. (2022). Bureaucratic Motivations in Political Economy: An Overview. Volume edited by R. Davis and E. Stazyk (2022), Research Handbook on Motivation in Public Administration. Edward Elgar.
Ahn, Y. & Campbell JW. (2022) Red Tape, Rule Legitimacy, and Public Service Motivation: Experimental Evidence From Korean Citizens. Administration & Society. https://doi:10.1177/00953997211069046
Ahn, Y. (2022). Mission match and organizational satisfaction: testing the mediating role of perceived reputation. Public Personnel Management, 51(3), 355-379.
Barboza-Wilkes, C., Gonzalez, E.**, Resh, W. & Wong, S.** (2022) “The Emotional Toll of the COVID-19 Crisis on Local Government Workers,” Review of Public Personnel and Administration.
Le, T. & Barboza-Wilkes, C. (2022). How the Paradoxical Treatment of Asian Americans as Model Minorities and Perpetual Foreigners Shape Their Burnout Experiences in Local Government. Public Integrity, 24(6), 550–572
Limbocker, S., Selin, J. & Resh, W. (2022) “Anticipated Adjudication: An Analysis of the Judicialization of the US Administrative State,” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,
Park, J. & Ahn, Y. (2022). Government Employees’ Experience and Expectation of COVID-19 Hardships: The Moderating Role of Gender and Race in the United States. The American Review of Public Administration, 52(1), 15–35. https://doi:10.1177/02750740211049280
Park, J. & Ahn, Y. (2022) “Motivations Behind Vaccine Hesitancy: Examining Altruism and Government Distrust Across Job Sectors During COVID-19”. Public Performance & Management Review.
Resh, W., Napolio, N. & Lee, K.** (2022) “The Pivotal and Distributive Politics of Senate-Confirmed Appointee Vacancies,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, 52(1), 60–83
**student partners
Current Projects
The Political Appointees Project – ongoing data collection of Senate-confirmed appointments and vacancies (1989-Present)
“The Effect of Political Fluctuations in Polycentric U. S. Federal Contracting Markets”
“Ethical Leadership and Self-Justification in Male-Dominated Organizations”
“Brand Equity and Presidential Credit Claiming during the COVID-19 Crisis”
"Mixed Institutional Messages and Bayesian Updating during Crisis”
“Turnover Effects of Government Shutdowns on the US Federal Labor Market"
“The Political Economy of Minority Representation in US Federal Procurement”
“Recruitment Effects of Government Shutdowns on the United States Federal Labor Market"
“Predicting Artificial Intelligence Impacts in the United States Federal Labor Market”
“CLEAR Data Platform (CDP): A Cloud-Enabled Big Data Infrastructure for Assessing the Public Sector Labor Market”
“Measuring the Effect of Remote Work Possibilities on the United States Federal Labor Market”
“Never a Slam Dunk: Testing Multidisciplinary Hypotheses on the Effects of Interim Leadership with NBA Case and Data Analyses”