Integrated Network Solutions in Government Hiring Trends

Objectives of INSIGHT+

We produce an Application Programming Interface (API; and subsequent dashboard/platform) that provides participating governments the opportunity to contribute data seamlessly to analyze trends on an ongoing basis.

INSIGHT+ leverages real-time data analytics for distinct audience targeting, enhanced data insights, and comprehensive analysis.
INSIGHT+ matches relevant external data at job, bureau, geographic, and market levels of analysis.
INSIGHT+ produces proprietary data engine for forecasting workforce development.
INSIGHT+ empowers users to generate new insights, analysis, and functionality through tiered access to various institutional stakeholders as well as researchers across social sciences.

INSIGHT+ is generously supported by... 

Recent Events and Presentations from INSIGHT+

Resh, W., Ahn, Y., and Lee, K. 2024. "The Impacts of the Political Environment on the Public Sector Labor Market: Assessing the 2019 US Federal Government Shutdown" to be presented at the Public Management Research Conference (June 26-29, 2024)
Resh, W., Ahn, Y., and Lee, K. 2024. "The Impacts of the Political Environment on the Public Sector Labor Market: Assessing the 2019 US Federal Government Shutdown" to be presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (September 5-8, 2024)

Recent Accomplishments

2024 Herbert Kaufman Best Paper Award - Section on Public Administration - American Political Science Assocation

“Assessing the Effects of Government Shutdowns on the Inflow and Outflow Dynamics of the United States Federal Workforce,” by William Resh, Yongjin Ahn, Weijie Wang, and Keunyoung Lee (Presented at the 2023 American Poltiical Science Association's Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA)